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Blog > Lent

Lenten Practices for Church Webmasters

Cross, ashes, candle, nailAs we emerge from winter and move towards spring, we also move through the season of Lent - a time of reflection, prayer, and contemplation. In the time of the church, Lent is a time of preparation, of looking forward. We also look back on the sacrifice made for us. We bring this into the present - the here and now.

In the life of a Christian webmaster and our churches and ministries, Easter plans are being laid out. During this time, our intention is to strip away the things of this world and simplify. For some, it is a time of fasting - giving something up, maybe even some of your digital connections - a digital fast.

Let us not just put our technology aside for a while, let us think deeply about how these avenues and channels can have a positive impact on our lives and the lives of others. I suggest adding something more (giving something extra) to your practice during these 40 days - reflecting on your church website and social media accounts and their content.

Lord, give us knowledge, wisdom, insight, and discernment as we contemplate your Word and your work in this generation.

Lord, give us the gift to see ourselves as you see us, and others as you see them.

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