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Tags: RSS   syndication  

RSS (Really Simple Syndication)

RSS iconReally Simple Syndication is a method of broadcasting your web content. RSS provides a standard format for producing the 'feeds' that includes both the content and information about the source of the content (date of publish, original source location, author and other items).

RSS feeds can be read by a variety of programs, including most current web browsers. Several of the web portals (MSN, Google and Yahoo!) will also provide a means to aggregate feeds and display them on your custom home page. Some desktop programs are available to aggregate your feeds without the use of a browser - for Mac OS/X users there is NetNewsWire Lite, there is Feedreader for Windows users and AmphetaDesk, that is a cross platform program. You may search for RSS readers in Google.

When you visit a page that has content available through RSS, you will see something like this when you use Internet Explorer 7 and click on the RSS icon

RSS with Internet Explorer 7

If you use Firefox 3, you wil see something similar to this when you click on the RSS icon in the address bar

RSS with Firefox 3

See Also

Wikipedia RSS article

Last modified on 2008/10/7 by Steve

The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.

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