Providing resources for people with a passion for Christ and the web
Steve 2010/4/11

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus directed his disciples (us) to 'Go ...make ... baptize ... teach ... '

25 April 2010 is the day marked around the world as Internet Evangelism Day. In its 6th year of observance, the last Sunday of April it set aside for us to examine and leverage our Internet presence to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

In this day and age, more people visit Facebook than Google. So, if you are reading this, you probably have a Facebook page. Does it reflect your faith? Should it?

Steve 2009/4/27

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus directed his disciples (us) to 'Go ...make ... baptize ... teach ... '

Today is set aside as Internet Evangelism Day to raise awareness in us that the Internet is one of those places for us to 'Go ...make ... baptize ... teach ... '. I would encourage each of you to take a few minutes today to consider how this applies to you and pray for those that have ventured into the World Wide Web as disciples.

Steve 2008/6/15