XOOPS 2.3.3 Final is Released

Date 2009/4/7 11:35:40 | Topic: XOOPS News

XOOPS 2.3.3 Final has been published by XOOPS.org, primarily focusing on bug fixes, but also offering some improvements in the user experience. The areas receiving the most changes were the new profile module, the installer and the default themes provided with the core installation.

The merging of the XOOPS 2.0 branch and the XOOPS 2.2 branch continues in this release, offering a migration path for users of both development tracks. Also of note is the return of several developers that had gone on to develop their own forks of XOOPS - Simple-XOOPS, EXM and Zarilia. No roadmap has been published, yet, for the future of XOOPS, or what the priorities will be to recombine these 4 systems + XOOPS 2.2. With that much talent and all those systems to work with, there's sure to be a lot of activity coming soon.

The download packages contain the release notes, or you can view the release notes from their download repository.

Support Forum - be sure to have a look through the support forums when deciding if you're going to take the leap to this version from a previous version of XOOPS.

Download this version from the XOOPS SourceForge repository.

Source: XOOPS.org news release

This article comes from Christian Web Resources

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