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CWR News : Update Your Bookmarks - Christian Web Resources Has Moved
Posted by on 2010/11/13 13:06:37 (1006 reads)

Just last night, I made the final changes to move Christian Web Resources to its proper domain and now you'll find us at The old domain is forwarding you here, so your bookmarks will still work and links in search engine results will get you the information you seek.

The site started as Christian XOOPS Resources in 2007 and then became Christian Web Resources in 2008, realizing our mission was independent of the platform. We still hope to educate, equip, enable, encourage and empower people with a passion for Christ and provide them with resources for use in their ministries.

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CWR News : National Day of Prayer 2010
Posted by on 2010/5/7 7:50:00 (1554 reads)

59th Annual National Day of PrayerIn 1775, the Continental Congress asked the colonies to pray for wisdom in forming a nation. In 1952, a joint resolution by Congress, signed by President Truman, declared an annual, national day of prayer. In 1988, the law was amended and signed by President Reagan, permanently setting the day as the first Thursday of every May. Each year, the president signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to pray on this day. Last year, all 50 state governors plus the governors of several U.S. territories signed similar proclamations.

For Christians everywhere, every day is a day of prayer. On this day, the National Day of Prayer, all people, regardless of their religious heritage, are called on to pray for our nation, its leaders and its citizens. This year, prayer and action is especially needed, since United States District Court Judge Barbara Crabb, for the Western District of Wisconsin, struck down the National Day of Prayer statute, 36 U.S.C. § 119, as violating the Establishment Clause.

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CWR News : Internet Evangelism Day 2010 - 25 April
Posted by on 2010/4/11 11:17:13 (1597 reads)

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus directed his disciples (us) to 'Go ...make ... baptize ... teach ... '

25 April 2010 is the day marked around the world as Internet Evangelism Day. In its 6th year of observance, the last Sunday of April it set aside for us to examine and leverage our Internet presence to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

In this day and age, more people visit Facebook than Google. So, if you are reading this, you probably have a Facebook page. Does it reflect your faith? Should it?

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CWR News : GnG /reboot
Posted by on 2010/3/5 11:00:00 (1229 reads)

Matt Farina and Rob Feature, the 'geeks' of the Geeks & God podcast, have passed on the torch to a new crew and the podcast is back on the air!

4 months ago, Matt and Rob announced their last episode for the foreseeable future as they went on to start a new adventure. This left a gaping hole in the Christian tech podcast lineup and many hoped it wouldn't end. Well, a few devout individuals stepped up and did more than hope - the moderators at the Geeks & God website are now in the driver's seat and new episodes are beginning to air.

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CWR News : New Look For Christian Web Resources
Posted by on 2010/2/16 11:40:07 (1359 reads)

Over the next few days (or longer, depending on time available), Christian Web Resources will undergo a bit of a redesign. This will be an iterative approach - things will change and evolve based on feedback and testing. The basic theme has changed already and there will be a few more tweaks as I work through each of the sections to give the site a more consistent style.

If you happen to like one of the old themes, they're not gone, you'll just have to log in and set it as your preferred theme. Then, whenever you log in, you'll be back to the theme you love. If you like the new theme, or see something that could be improved, just add a comment with your suggestions and we'll do what we can to incorporate it somehow.

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