Providing resources for people with a passion for Christ and the web

CMS News : Freeform Solutions Updates Formulize Module - v3.12 is Released
Posted by on 2010/1/10 12:01:05 (2372 reads)

Formulize, one of the most flexible and powerful modules for ImpressCMS and XOOPS (and it even has an integration with Drupal), has been updated to version 3.12. Formulize is an ad hoc form creator, data collector and reporter that allows you to do anything from simple contact forms to complex work flows. It is also the module behind the Pray With Me feature at Christian Web Resources.

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CMS News : SimplyWiki Gets an Update - 1.1.1 Final is Released
Posted by on 2010/1/1 6:43:25 (4261 reads)

An update to SimplyWiki, a module that adds wiki capabilities to your ImpressCMS and XOOPS websites, was released today. SimplyWiki 1.1.1 was released as a final version, bringing it into compatibility with new blocks administration functions introduced by ImpressCMS 1.2 and fixing a few bugs in the 1.1 version.

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Webmaster News : PHP Development Team Releases 5.2.12
Posted by on 2009/12/27 1:33:41 (1093 reads)

Improving on the stability and security of the PHP 5.2.x series, the development team has released 5.2.12, providing over 60 patches for bugs and security issues. As a webmaster, please be sure your hosting provider is keeping up with these releases to keep your site running smoothly and safely. You should also be maintaining a test environment to perform testing and validation of your website on the latest stable versions of PHP and MySQL.

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ImpressCMS News : ImpressCMS Ends the Year on a High Note, Releases 1.2
Posted by on 2009/12/22 12:02:55 (1997 reads)

After almost 14 months, ImpressCMS has released another jam-packed major release - version 1.2. Even after having won Most Promising Open Source CMS in this year's Packt Publishing awards, they continue to push forward and deliver time and again.

Some of the key additions to this already feature-rich community and content management system are

  • An online image editor
  • A new user profile module, with social networking features and customizable fields for your site
  • A new content manager module
  • The ability to assign different home pages for different user groups
  • Easier customization for filtering HTML input from users
  • Easier customization for verifying user identity through a CAPTCHA image
  • Lots of administrative improvements

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CMS News : Instant Zero Transfers Module Developement to ImpressCMS
Posted by on 2009/12/4 21:10:00 (1470 reads)

After a long history of providing key modules for XOOPS and ImpressCMS, Instant-Zero has closed up shop and transferred all ongoing maintenance and development to the ImpressCMS Project's developers.

Hervé Thouzard, the principal developer and founder of Instant Zero, said in a statement

"The ImpressCMS project has my complete blessings in releasing and continuing the development of the Instant Zero community modules. I truly believe that this is the very best solution for the users and the module themselves"

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