Providing resources for people with a passion for Christ and the web
ImpressCMS News : ImpressCMS 1.2.3 Final - Now Supports PHP 5.3
Posted by on 2010/11/19 11:21:15 (2103 reads)

The ImpressCMS Team is proud to present the final release of ImpressCMS 1.2.3. With this release, PHP 5.3 support has been added to the system core and there have been a few bug fixes and a security patch added.

Since the initial release of ImpressCMS 1.2, PHP 5.3 support has steadily gained ground in hosting solutions. Based upon user feedback, the ImpressCMS team decided not to wait for ImpressCMS 1.3 in order to support PHP 5.3 officially. No new functionality has been added in this release, but it is highly recommended you upgrade to this version.



  • PHP: 5.2.0+ (5.2.7 is NOT recommended, and 5.3.0+ is now officially supported)
  • MySQL: MySQL server 4.1.0+ - With UTF-8 Support
  • Web server: Any server supporting the required PHP version (Apache highly recommended). 
  • Special characters require UTF-8 support from hosting providers.
  • 16MB PHP Memory


You can download the latest versions of ImpressCMS, either as a complete install, or as an upgrade to existing sites.



Feedback or discussion of ImpressCMS and your experience with your church web site is welcome - please add a comment or post in the forums.

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