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Webmaster News : PHP Releases 5.2.14 and 5.3.3
Posted by on 2010/7/24 4:39:19 (2073 reads)

2 new releases of PHP (PHP Hypertext Processor) were just announced - 5.2.14 and 5.3.3. Both releases focus on stability and security, addressing several different issues.

The 5.2.14 releases marks the end of the support of the 5.2 series of PHP. No further bug fixes will be released for this version and security fixes will be addressed individually. The 5.3.3 release moves if further ahead in support of namespaces and does introduce a break in compatibility for class constructors. The change only affects previous versions of PHP5.3, since namespaces were introduced in the 5.3 series.

For full details about the changes in these releases, you can view the changelog for 5.2.14 and the changelog 5.3.3. PHP has also provided a migration guide to assist with the changes between 5.2 and 5.3.

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