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Blog > Why "Christian webmasters" and not simply "webmasters"?

Why "Christian webmasters" and not simply "webmasters"?

Faith, Technology

Cables and connectorsA little over a year ago, a question was posed in the forums - What are the plans for this site?  Then, as now, the hope for this site was to be a resource for people with a passion for Christ who wanted to share their stories online. Stories of faith, of struggles, of joy, and of pain. Stories that educate, equip, encourage, enable, and empower each other. It was a way to bring together the people with the technological knowledge and skills together with the people with the talents for witnessing, sharing and story telling.

Within that post was another question - why "Christian webmasters" and not simply "webmasters"? It may seem a bit narrow in appeal and that could limit its reach. I find boundaries are OK - they help you stay focused and on track. With too broad a definition, we drift into other areas rather than dive deeply into the topics.

I found there was a lack of good resources for people with the skills to build a website and wanting to help their church and getting frustrated, and for people in ministry that lacked the skills to build a website and wanting to and getting frustrated. In my own experience, I needed tools to help me guide the church leaders into this new thing called the Internet. Technology alone wasn't going to persuade them. The goal was to be a connector (my top theme on StrengthsFinder is Connectedness).

The web has certainly changed, and so have the resources available. There still exists a need to connect those with strengths in the technology with those with strengths in the Word. And, there now exists a need to sort out the various resources - some good, some well-meaning and well-intended, others not so much.

We have a daily challenge to be a beacon and a reminder that technology and religion are not mutually exclusive.

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