Scheduler -Detail View-
Summary | St. John Chrysostom |
Beginning DateTime | 27th January 2023 Friday (Allday Event) |
Finishing DateTime | 28th January 2023 Saturday |
Location | |
Contact | |
Description | O LORD\, who didst vouchsafe to illumine thy Church with the wondrous righteousness and doctrine of thy blessed Confessor and Bishop Saint Chrysostom: grant\, we beseech thee\, that the bounty of thy heavenly grace may evermore increase and multiply the same. Through Jesus Christ thy Son Our Lord. Amen. |
Categories | |
Submitter | System |
Class | Public |
Recur Rules | Everyyear Jump to the 1st Event 27th January 2009 Tuesday |
Last Modified | 11th January 2009 Sunday |
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piCal |
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