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  1. The 5 W's of the WWW
    Categories: Christian Webmasters Web Strategies
    We all remember being taught the Five W's (and one H) in school, don't we? Well, they are still relevant in the realm of the World Wide Web. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How apply not only to your online content, but also to your online outreach.
  2. Developing an Effective Church Web Strategy
    Categories: Christian Webmasters Web Strategies
    Having a web strategy for your church is really a part of having a communications strategy for you church - your website is just one aspect of all your communications media. Even your web strategy will be broken into several components - a website, possibly a Facebook page and a Twitter account, maybe other online channels like YouTube and MySpace.

    There are many pieces to your web strategy, but just having all the pieces doesn't mean they all fit together - yet!

    Just like shaking the box won't assemble the jigsaw puzzle for you, you need to have a picture of how it will all fit together and then take steps to make it all happen. Today, we'll look at the pieces and the steps in the context of an overall strategy.
  3. Securing Your Website
    Categories: Web Technologies XOOPS and ImpressCMS
    Being responsible for at least one web site, if not more, there are things you may not give much thought because they seem beyond your control, of little interest, or of any value to your users. Security usually falls in this category.

    In spite of all that, anyone who maintains a site has the task of taking the initiative when it comes to security. If you don't, your visitors may find one day a new version of your site - a defaced one. Or, your host may suspend your account because a script on your site is causing a high server load. So, you have to do something.

    Where do you start? Most of us will need guidance when it comes to security, server configuration and optimization. There is good news - help is readily available, if you ask for it! I spent some time reviewing the security notes for the different aspects of running a web site and spoke with a few people to get some useful tips to protect your investments of time and effort.
  4. Statistics, Trends and Analyzing Your Web Site
    Categories: Modules and Extensions Web Strategies
    After you have done all your planning and organizing and finally have your site online, is it doing what you expected it to? Your web site is quite a bit different than the place where you worship - you don't see the faces that visit your web site or get a chance to shake their hands. You will need some tools to help you discover if you are hitting your goals for your web site. You will need more than just a simple counter to properly gather and analyze the statistics and trends for your site.
  5. Church Websites 101: Easy. Not Simple
    Categories: Web Strategies
    Point. Click, Type, Click. Drag, Drop. Share. Take a fresh look at your website - it might be easy, but it ain't simple! The number of easy-to-use site building and publishing tools is climbing, but the task of building and maintaining a good website is not getting any simpler. Until now.

    The concepts are easily learned and, with proper discipline, you can have an effective, enjoyable website for your church.
  6. What is Open Source software?
    Categories: Web Technologies
    open source refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge, i.e., open.
  7. Notifications and RSS: Spread the Word
    Categories: XOOPS and ImpressCMS
    Groups are always challenged with keeping everyone informed of changes to upcoming events and notifying them of new events that have been added. Using features built into XOOPS and ImpressCMS, your task just got a lot simpler.
  8. Church Websites 101: Fix the Easy Stuff
    Categories: Web Strategies
    Introduced in Church Websites 101: Easy. Not Simple, we're now going to dig deeper into the strategies you can employ to build and maintain a more effective website for your church or ministry.

    The easy fixes are things you have, or should have, direct control over - the content is yours. This is all about what you post online. Examine your topics, your schedule for posting and updating, the language you use and your presentation. Do it now and keep doing it - establish a discipline (be a disciple) for your ministry.
  9. Article Quickstart Guide
    Categories: XOOPS and ImpressCMS
    A short guide to installing and configuring the Article module
  10. What Do People Read?
    Categories: Christian Webmasters
    The Web is a great place to find something to read. But, with so many choices placed in front of Internet users - what do they decide to read and how to they find it? The Internet is used to expand one's social, intellectual and even spiritual experiences. Just as your church buildings do not serve only as a tribute to the craftsmanship of the builders, your web site's primary function is not to highlight the skill of the programmer, but to reach people. How can you reach people online?

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