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  1. XOOPS Meta Tags Basics
    Categories: XOOPS and ImpressCMS Themes and Templates Web Strategies
    Search engines and users rely on you to provide information about your site's content - leverage your XOOPS meta tags and begin to improve your position on search engine results page (SERPs)
  2. What is Open Source software?
    Categories: Web Technologies
    open source refers to a program in which the source code is available to the general public for use and/or modification from its original design free of charge, i.e., open.
  3. What Do People Read?
    Categories: Christian Webmasters
    The Web is a great place to find something to read. But, with so many choices placed in front of Internet users - what do they decide to read and how to they find it? The Internet is used to expand one's social, intellectual and even spiritual experiences. Just as your church buildings do not serve only as a tribute to the craftsmanship of the builders, your web site's primary function is not to highlight the skill of the programmer, but to reach people. How can you reach people online?
  4. What Are You Trying To Say?
    Categories: Christian Webmasters Web Strategies
    In a post on Church Marketing Sucks, Brad Abare posted a series on producing church web sites that don't suck. Let's face it - it is just as easy to produce a web site that sucks as it is to create one that doesn't suck. Follow these tips so your site is good for more than just serving as a bad example.
  5. Web Server Basics - Apache, MySQL and PHP
    Categories: Web Technologies
    Every web master needs a basic understanding of how the web works. Educate yourself about the fundamentals of Apache, PHP and MySQL and you will have a much easier time managing your site and a lot less frustration in maintaining it. The aim here is to introduce some of the common concepts of the three primary web applications supporting your web site.
  6. Web Resources From Christian Church Bodies
    Categories: Christian Webmasters
    As someone making an entry to the web for your church or ministry, you might think it rather simple, given the number of easily available tools. Or, you might find it too complex, given the myriad of choices and options you face. In either case, having somewhere to turn for guidance makes your job less challenging.

    A logical place to turn is someone who has already done what you are hoping to do and has a similar mission. Larger churches and denominations certainly fit this role and are good starting places. However, they vary greatly in the resources they use and make available on their websites.

    Here's an overview of several large denominations and the resources they offer, along with some of their own practices.
  7. Web Grammar: Verbs and Nouns
    Categories: Web Strategies
    The web has changed. In the beginning, it mimicked print media's "Publish and Read". In a relatively short time, however, the web has become dramatically different - instead of a few publishers, everyone is contributing content to the web. Internet users no longer just consume content, they also create content. Position your site to be one of the 'Net Generation's places to be.
  8. We Have a Web Site - Now What?
    Categories: Christian Webmasters Web Strategies
    There are numerous web sites devoted to the technical, design aesthetics and usability aspects of web sites, but few help you with the editorial aspect (content) of your site. We start a discussion about what (and what not) to put on your church's web site.
  9. Theming Your Church Website
    Categories: Themes and Templates Web Strategies
    How much of an impact does the look of your site have on the messages you convey with it? Do you think it matters?

    It certainly does! Here's a little example of how the media shapes the message. Write a note and hand it to someone - you have just delivered your message to the person it was intended for. Now, take the same note, wrap it around a rock and throw it through the same person's window. The message hasn't changed, the sender hasn't changed, the recipient hasn't changed, but the method of delivery (or, the 'media') has changed. Do you think the recipient would regard the content the same in both instances?

    Now - let's talk about your church website design and learn the right questions to ask before you use, buy, or hire a designer to design a custom theme for your church web site.
  10. The 5 W's of the WWW
    Categories: Christian Webmasters Web Strategies
    We all remember being taught the Five W's (and one H) in school, don't we? Well, they are still relevant in the realm of the World Wide Web. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How apply not only to your online content, but also to your online outreach.

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