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Articles :: Web Strategies

We Have a Web Site - Now What?

Making the Connections
Author profile: SKenow
SKenow (Steve K) contributes regularly at and ImpressCMS, in addition to maintaining several XOOPS-based web sites
How does all this help with what to put on your web site? Once you understand that people are trying to connect online and that this is also the primary goal of any ministry, you can begin to list the possible ways people can connect through your web site.

Don't overlook the basics - many churches (and even businesses) forget to make the connection with their church - I have been to sites and spent far too long trying to find an address or a phone number, or at least an email or contact form. This should be available from every page on your site. When you are available is also crucial - you can't connect if you're not there. Let your web visitors know when phones are answered by a person, when services are held and what kind of response to expect to an email. Be clear about your contact methods, too. If your Contact Us link is just an email link, say so - make it say Email Us. Contact Us should lead to all your types of contact - phone, fax, email and address. Also let people know how to get more immediate help, should it be necessary. Again, understanding the power to connect with people everywhere and at anytime (the nature of the Internet) will give you a lot of material for your web site.

The contact methods of your web site are important once people are at your site, but they are only the mechanism to establish and strengthen connections you make with your visitors. Simply having a method available is not sufficient to bring people to act and contact you. The connection starts with the subject and focus of your content - your name, your slogan and the subject words in your mission and goals.

You now have a foundation and framework for your web site and some guidelines for what to add as content. You should be able to identify your connectors - those keywords that are topics you can offer your visitors. Follow the old rule about a news article - be sure to tell your readers Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Also give them a way to connect with you.
  1. How To - What To - Why To
  2. The What Starts With the Why
  3. Making the Connections
  4. Tools of the Trade
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