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Articles :: Christian Webmasters

Web Resources From Christian Church Bodies

United Methodist Church (UMC)

It wasn't easy to locate the webmaster resources of the United Methodist Church using their navigation system, but if you click on Our World in the main menu, then on Leader Resources in the submenu, you'll get to a page that has a link to webmaster resources (in the Leadership Roles section). Once you get to the webmaster resources for the UMC, you'll find a very rich repository

What I found

A variety of sections breaking down the different aspects of the web and ministry - everything from conceptual overview, technology, media and social media. Very complete offering of information and how-to's. Includes information about social media, SMS, micro-blogging, digital media and media sharing.

There is a link to a 'forum', but I found it to be a link to an online learning center built on Moodle.

What I didn't find

Actually, this is the most complete resource available - nothing seems to be overlooked.


  1. Overview
  2. Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS)
  3. Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA)
  4. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
  5. United Methodist Church (UMC)
  6. Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS)
  7. Episcopal/Anglican Church (ECUSA)
  8. Southern Baptist Convention (SBC)
  9. United Church of Christ (UCC)
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