Articles V1

We Have a Web Site - Now What?

Category: Web Strategies
Subtitle: #0 How To - What To - Why To
Author: SKenow
Date: 2007/10/1
There are numerous web sites devoted to the technical, design aesthetics and usability aspects of web sites, but few help you with the editorial aspect (content) of your site. We start a discussion about what (and what not) to put on your church's web site.
Summary: There are numerous web sites devoted to the technical, design aesthetics and usability aspects of web sites, but few help you with the editorial aspect (content) of your site. We start a discussion about what (and what not) to put on your church's web site.

As you may have discovered, there are a lot of web sites devoted to web site design, web site development, web site technologies and web site optimization. But, there are few, if any, site about web site content - what to put on a web site. This is not too surprising - it is a very subjective topic and there are no black and white, hard and fast rules.

A quick survey of the How-To sites will provide you with a complete lexicon of terms to understand. Terms like 'meta descriptions', 'w3c compliance', 'valid css and xhtml', 'seo', 'keywords' and 'unique title tags' are tossed around quite readily. If we look at these terms and their common threads, we will have a fair idea about what we should put on our sites. As we dig a bit deeper, we can see how to connect with the reason we have web sites in the first place - to connect with people and to solve problems.

People don't browse the Internet, despite the fact they use browsers to view online content. They have purposeful online sessions - they are trying to fill a need, or solve a problem. The goals of your web site are also based on need - the needs of the people you hope will visit your site. Before you launch your first web page, you should be able to clearly state your goals and develop a mission statement for your web site that is in line with the mission statement for your ministry. For example, the goal of Christian XOOPS Resources is to be a XOOPS resource for Christian web masters. In that statement, I have identified who will visit this site, what they will find when they visit this site and the why is this - 'to educate, enable, empower, equip and encourage other Christians to be an internet presence for Jesus Christ, to grow in faith, and carry on his work online.'
Articles V1