Articles V1

Pray With Me: Adding Prayer Requests to Your Site

Category: Christian Webmasters
Subtitle: #0 Lord - Teach us to Pray
Author: Steve
Date: 2007/11/4
One of the first features you will want to consider carefully for your church or ministry site is the ability to accept prayer requests. People everywhere have joys and concerns they can offer in prayer and your web site can be part of their prayer lives. The web offers global availability - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But, it will be up to you to connect with those people and their prayers.
Keywords: prayer, modules, forms,how-to

Summary: One of the first features you will want to consider carefully for your church or ministry site is the ability to accept prayer requests. People everywhere have joys and concerns they can offer in prayer and your web site can be part of their prayer lives. The web offers global availability - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. But, it will be up to you to connect with those people and their prayers.

Seekers, members and visitors all share the same basic needs - they all have things that make them cry, things that make them pound the table in anger and things they long to complete before they die. As a Christian web master, we have the opportunity to connect with all of them on a very basic level and give them a place to voice their prayers.

As we begin to plan this feature for our sites, there are some general considerations we need to have:

There have been different approaches to adding a prayer module to a XOOPS site and the approach I find works the best at filling all the general requirements and is flexible enough for almost any situation, is the use of the Formulize module.

Articles V1