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[User Guides and Resource Library :: Themes and Templates :: This page]  
Tags: themes  

Default Theme

Smarty Tags


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
    " ... ">


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="<{$xoops_langcode}>" lang="<{$xoops_langcode}>">

Meta Tags

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=<{$xoops_charset}>" />
<meta http-equiv="content-language" content="<{$xoops_langcode}>" />
<meta name="robots" content="<{$xoops_meta_robots}>" />
<meta name="keywords" content="<{$xoops_meta_keywords}>" />
<meta name="description" content="<{$xoops_meta_description}>" />
<meta name="rating" content="<{$xoops_meta_rating}>" />
<meta name="author" content="<{$xoops_meta_author}>" />
<meta name="copyright" content="<{$xoops_meta_copyright}>" />
<meta name="generator" content="XOOPS" />


<title><{$xoops_sitename}> - <{$xoops_pagetitle}></title>


<link href="<{$xoops_url}>/favicon.ico" rel="SHORTCUT ICON" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<{$xoops_url}>/xoops.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="<{$xoops_themecss}>" />


<!-- RMV: added module header -->
<script type="text/javascript">




  <table cellspacing="0">
    <tr id="header">
      <td id="headerlogo"><a href="<{$xoops_url}>/">
        <img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>logo.gif" width="150" height="80" alt="" /></a></td>
      <td id="headerbanner"><{$xoops_banner}></td>
      <td id="headerbar" colspan="2"> </td>

Left Column

  <table cellspacing="0">
      <td id="leftcolumn">
        <!-- Start left blocks loop -->
        <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_lblocks}>
          <{include file="default/theme_blockleft.html"}>
        <!-- End left blocks loop -->

Center Column Blocks

      <td id="centercolumn">
        <!-- Display center blocks if any -->
        <{if $xoops_showcblock == 1}>
        <table cellspacing="0">

Top Center Blocks

   <td id="centerCcolumn" colspan="2">
   <!-- Start center-center blocks loop -->
   <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_ccblocks}>
    <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_c.html"}>
   <!-- End center-center blocks loop -->

Top Left Center Blocks

   <td id="centerLcolumn">  
   <!-- Start center-left blocks loop -->
   <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_clblocks}>
    <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_l.html"}>
   <!-- End center-left blocks loop -->

Top Right Center Blocks

   <td id="centerRcolumn">  
   <!-- Start center-right blocks loop -->
   <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_crblocks}>
    <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_r.html"}>
   <!-- End center-right blocks loop -->
        <!-- End display center blocks -->


        <div id="content">

Bottom Center Blocks

        <{if $xoBlocks.page_bottomleft or $xoBlocks.page_bottomright or $xoBlocks.page_bottomcenter}>
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  <tr><td id="bottomCcolumn" colspan="2">
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        <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_c.html"}><{/foreach}>
  <{if $xoBlocks.page_bottomleft or $xoBlocks.page_bottomright}>

Bottom Left Center Blocks

   <td id="bottomLcolumn">
    <{foreach from=$xoBlocks.page_bottomleft item=block}>
          <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_l.html"}><{/foreach}>

Bottom Right Center Blocks

   <td id="bottomRcolumn">
    <{foreach from=$xoBlocks.page_bottomright item=block}>
          <{include file="default/theme_blockcenter_r.html"}><{/foreach}>

Right Column

      <{if $xoops_showrblock == 1}>
      <td id="rightcolumn">
        <!-- Start right blocks loop -->
        <{foreach item=block from=$xoops_rblocks}>
          <{include file="default/theme_blockright.html"}>
        <!-- End right blocks loop -->


  <table cellspacing="0">
    <tr id="footerbar">
      <td><a href="" target="_blank">
        <img src="<{$xoops_imageurl}>poweredby.gif" alt="" /></a></td>


Last modified on 2011/1/28 by Steve

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